wspy – diskstats, set-cpumask
I have now enhanced wspy to add an option for –diskstats. This option samples, /sys/block/*/stat files to save away disk read and write statistics. The same information is also reported in /proc/diskstats.
Another option added at same time is –set-cpumask which sets the mask of processes that the application can run, essentially a “pin” option to pin the workload only to a particular core or set of cores. I’ve used similar syntax as the taskset –cpulist option.
Added but not yet implemented is –memstats (to pull information from /proc/meminfo) and –netstats (to pull information from /proc/net/dev). The general idea behind all four of these options is as a first cut sampling to find cpu/disk/network/memory profile of an application for a rough triage.
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