Metrics (Intel) - phoronix/compress-7zipThis is a test of 7-Zip using p7zip with its integrated benchmark feature or upstream 7-Zip for the Windows x64 build.
sh - pid 23561 On_CPU 0.880 On_Core 7.040 IPC 0.834 Retire 0.393 (39.3%) FrontEnd 0.238 (23.8%) Spec 0.265 (26.5%) Backend 0.104 (10.4%) Elapsed 41.40 Procs 83 Minflt 874239 Majflt 0 Utime 289.43 (99.3%) Stime 2.04 (0.7%) Start 152873.86 Finish 152915.26
The workload takes 40 seconds to walk through compressing five sample workloads. It is relatively high in both speculation and front-end and thus also a lower retiring percentage and IPC. The On_CPU of ~88% reflects multiple processes being started/stopped.
Metrics (AMD) - phoronix/compress-7zipsh - pid 16891 On_CPU 0.867 On_Core 13.867 IPC 0.815 FrontCyc 0.055 (5.5%) BackCyc 0.086 (8.6%) Elapsed 45.63 Procs 163 Minflt 1746516 Majflt 0 Utime 627.72 (99.2%) Stime 5.03 (0.8%) Start 126720.89 Finish 126766.52
Process Tree - phoronix/compress-7zip
Process Tree
In the process tree one can see the patterns of running workloads and then all in parallel for each one.
About this graph
Overall CPU utilization shows the processes starting and stopping.
IPC is relatively low compared with other small benchmarks.
Next step: Dive deeper to understand relatively high percentage of poorly speculated code.