-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770S CPU @ 3.10GHz CPU type: Intel Core Haswell processor CPU clock: 3.09 GHz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group 1: CYCLE_ACTIVITY +-----------------------------------+---------+--------+-----------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+--------+--------+ | Event | Counter | Core 0 | Core 1 | Core 2 | Core 3 | Core 4 | Core 5 | Core 6 | Core 7 | +-----------------------------------+---------+--------+-----------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+--------+--------+ | INSTR_RETIRED_ANY | FIXC0 | 8277 | 446706085 | 1048 | 1956 | 6130 | 569088170 | 5718 | 1048 | | CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE | FIXC1 | 16426 | 167077869 | 1746 | 3318 | 18174 | 212879472 | 17746 | 2174 | | CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF | FIXC2 | 63612 | 142162745 | 6758 | 2914 | 16027 | 184444854 | 15686 | 1953 | | CYCLE_ACTIVITY_STALLS_L2_PENDING | PMC0 | 1969 | 1568867 | 12 | 607 | 4369 | 4659362 | 3427 | 34 | | CYCLE_ACTIVITY_STALLS_LDM_PENDING | PMC1 | 7032 | 4120615 | 339 | 913 | 7228 | 5426240 | 6797 | 361 | | CYCLE_ACTIVITY_STALLS_L1D_PENDING | PMC2 | 3020 | 149689 | 17 | 697 | 3594 | 203133 | 3622 | 76 | | CYCLE_ACTIVITY_CYCLES_NO_EXECUTE | PMC3 | 10922 | 6175480 | 992 | 1990 | 12953 | 8123297 | 12681 | 1317 | +-----------------------------------+---------+--------+-----------+--------+--------+--------+-----------+--------+--------+ +----------------------------------------+---------+------------+------+-----------+--------------+ | Event | Counter | Sum | Min | Max | Avg | +----------------------------------------+---------+------------+------+-----------+--------------+ | INSTR_RETIRED_ANY STAT | FIXC0 | 1015818432 | 1048 | 569088170 | 126977304 | | CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE STAT | FIXC1 | 380016925 | 1746 | 212879472 | 4.750212e+07 | | CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF STAT | FIXC2 | 326714549 | 1953 | 184444854 | 4.083932e+07 | | CYCLE_ACTIVITY_STALLS_L2_PENDING STAT | PMC0 | 6238647 | 12 | 4659362 | 779830.8750 | | CYCLE_ACTIVITY_STALLS_LDM_PENDING STAT | PMC1 | 9569525 | 339 | 5426240 | 1.196191e+06 | | CYCLE_ACTIVITY_STALLS_L1D_PENDING STAT | PMC2 | 363848 | 17 | 203133 | 45481 | | CYCLE_ACTIVITY_CYCLES_NO_EXECUTE STAT | PMC3 | 14339632 | 992 | 8123297 | 1792454 | +----------------------------------------+---------+------------+------+-----------+--------------+ +--------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | Metric | Core 0 | Core 1 | Core 2 | Core 3 | Core 4 | Core 5 | Core 6 | Core 7 | +--------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | Runtime (RDTSC) [s] | 84.2247 | 84.2247 | 84.2247 | 84.2247 | 84.2247 | 84.2247 | 84.2247 | 84.2247 | | Runtime unhalted [s] | 5.311121e-06 | 0.0540 | 5.645451e-07 | 1.072830e-06 | 5.876313e-06 | 0.0688 | 5.737925e-06 | 7.029330e-07 | | Clock [MHz] | 798.6167 | 3634.7852 | 799.0458 | 3521.5387 | 3507.0658 | 3569.5451 | 3498.9191 | 3442.7297 | | CPI | 1.9845 | 0.3740 | 1.6660 | 1.6963 | 2.9648 | 0.3741 | 3.1035 | 2.0744 | | Cycles without execution [%] | 66.4921 | 3.6962 | 56.8156 | 59.9759 | 71.2721 | 3.8159 | 71.4584 | 60.5796 | | Cycles without execution due to L1D [%] | 18.3855 | 0.0896 | 0.9737 | 21.0066 | 19.7755 | 0.0954 | 20.4102 | 3.4959 | | Cycles without execution due to L2 [%] | 11.9871 | 0.9390 | 0.6873 | 18.2942 | 24.0398 | 2.1887 | 19.3114 | 1.5639 | | Cycles without execution due to memory [%] | 42.8102 | 2.4663 | 19.4158 | 27.5166 | 39.7711 | 2.5490 | 38.3016 | 16.6053 | +--------------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ +-------------------------------------------------+------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+ | Metric | Sum | Min | Max | Avg | +-------------------------------------------------+------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+ | Runtime (RDTSC) [s] STAT | 673.7976 | 84.2247 | 84.2247 | 84.2247 | | Runtime unhalted [s] STAT | 0.1228 | 5.645451e-07 | 0.0688 | 0.0154 | | Clock [MHz] STAT | 22772.2461 | 798.6167 | 3634.7852 | 2846.5308 | | CPI STAT | 14.2376 | 0.3740 | 3.1035 | 1.7797 | | Cycles without execution [%] STAT | 394.1058 | 3.6962 | 71.4584 | 49.2632 | | Cycles without execution due to L1D [%] STAT | 84.2324 | 0.0896 | 21.0066 | 10.5290 | | Cycles without execution due to L2 [%] STAT | 79.0114 | 0.6873 | 24.0398 | 9.8764 | | Cycles without execution due to memory [%] STAT | 189.4359 | 2.4663 | 42.8102 | 23.6795 | +-------------------------------------------------+------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+